Happiness Later? Why wait…

I just finished up a conversation that I have to share with you. I was chatting with one of the rad humans in my 8 week course and he mentioned how much happier he is on a day-to-day basis. 

So I wanted to break down his journey for you...

He said he used to feel like he was always chasing his goals. Never really happy now. Sound familiar? 

And in the back of his head there was a feeling that his happiness was hinging on the outcome of achieving (or not achieving) his goals.  

“If only I could just get ahead… If I only I could get that raise... then I’d be happy”

It’s a common trap to fall into. 

But there’s two problems with this way of thinking:

First, you’re choosing to postpone your happiness. The sad truth is only 8% of people actually hit their goals.1 You’re putting off your happiness for some future outcome that may not even happen.

So do you want an 8% chance at happiness in the future? Much less no chance at it right now? Didn’t think so.

The second problem is if you actually hit your goal. You’ve just spent the last few months (or years) waiting for this event to happen.

You’ve trained your brain to search for some future event.

So you’re happy for a moment, then set a new goal, and start the whole process over again.

That’s not much of a way to live.

But what if you had a way to be happy now? AND to stay motivated and work towards your goal, while enjoying the here-and-now?

Living out of my car to save money to start my business helped me learn how to do this. How to actually enjoy every day, regardless of the outcome. I still have to work at it now, but man is it a better way to live.

There are countless studies that show that happiness now is possible, and I see my clients doing it all the time as well.

I’d love to help you have the same breakthrough and create a rock solid mindset. So if you’re tired of chasing the uncertain future and ready to be happy now, let’s chat.



PS I only have a few spots open this week, so grab one before they book up. https://www.thenatechambers.com/appointment

1. Statistic Brain, New Year’s Resolution Statistics https://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/
