
A question we are asking more and more these days is “can we hack our health and fastrack our learning (physical and cognitive) to achieve our full potential?”

There’s enough science and studies to show that exercise and good nutrition improve our health. And in recent years there have been more and more studies showing the negative impact of stress and the positive impact of sleep, meditation, and even our mindset (our thoughts and the emotions we feel).

But we’re inundated with the marketing of fad diets, bootcamps to 6-pack abs, and the promise of shortcut fixes to help us achieve these results quicker. So while the short answer to our question may seem like “yes, we can hack our health”, we first need to answer how do we actually accomplish it, what do we believe, and where do we focus our time and energy?

This series is going to synthesize information and studies from top scientists and researchers to show you the science behind our health. The goal is to not only help you understand how your body works, but provide you with a framework to help wade through the BS and help you achieve your full potential for years to come, not just 30 days at a time.

So if we accept the premise that exercise, nutrition, stress, recovery, and mindset do play some part in our health, the next question becomes just how much do these stimuli impact our health and what exactly is the root cause? Why do our bodies change in response to these stimuli? And how do some people experience greater change than others?

The answer to why is epigenetics, and the answer to how much is neuroscience.

Welcome to the last frontiers of human performance.

Epigenetics is the study of how external stimuli can signal genes to turn on or off. We’re going to dive into how this works in the next article but the big takeaway is this: our genes are the key to hacking our health and you don’t need a fad diet or bootcamp to make it work and you don’t need to spend thousands on stem cells.

Neuroscience is the study of the structure and function of the brain. We’ll be diving into how the brain works, how we learn, and how to fastrack our learning (hyperlearning sounds rad, doesn’t it?) in future articles. For now, know this: the brain is the gateway for all incoming stimuli. Real or perceived, the stresses on the body are received by the brain. So the intent with which we do something, the thoughts we have, and the emotions we feel absolutely impact our performance.

Welcome to a blog bringing together the best science and research from top people in the industry into one place. Easy to understand and simple (but not always easy) to put into action. You’ll learn that the mind is key to all things performance and we can hack our health and fastrack our learning to achieve our full potential.

Stay tuned for our next article on epigenetics and the answer to the question, “can you change your genetics?”

If you’re interested in applying these learnings to your fitness, career, and life in general but aren’t sure where to start, check out our 8-Week Building Better Humans Mindset Course. You’ll get access to over 60 videos, exercises, 1-on-1 coaching, and interviews with experts in a variety of industries from a Navy Seal to an executive from Proctor and Gamble, CEO’s, mothers, and entrepreneurs as we walk you through a step-by-step process to achieve your full potential.

- Written by The Nate Chambers, co-founder, coach, and positivity guru at Project 13 Gyms

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you start owning your time to amplify your impact:

1. Grab a free copy of my book

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2. Join the Building Better Humans community and connect with motivated people who are creating more impact too

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3. Join my BBH 8-Week Course and recapture 500 Hours in Your Year

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4. Work with me privately

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Synthesizing and Disseminating